Smart Cities & Blockchain

Challenges and opportunities underlying the use of Blockchain in Smart Cities and Smart Grids


Download the Seminar 5 Agenda [HERE]


Peer-to-peer energy trading: why buildings and blockchains matter

Prof. David Shipworth

David Shipworth is Professor of Energy and the Built Environment at the UCL Energy Institute.

He is Vice-chair for Strategy and Task Development in the International Energy Agency's Demand Side Management Technology Collaboration Programme, and is also the UK Government’s Industry and Academic representative to this TCP.

He researches both the social and technical aspects of systems for provision of demand flexibility within the energy system and roles of consumers and buildings in delivering these. He has a particular interest in Peer-to-Peer energy trading, Time of Use Tariffs and Home Energy Management Systems. He speaks and consults widely in the UK and internationally on peer-to-peer energy trading - particularly on the design, conduct and evaluation of field trials for testing the consumer acceptability and response to different flexibility product offerings.

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Developing standards for data sharing practices in smart cities (PAS 183, 30182) and security governance (PAS 185)

Prof. Jacqui Taylor

Jacqui is recognised as one of the 100 most powerful UK entrepreneurs and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science in recognition of her web science work. One of the UKs most influential Women in Tech, 34 IoT Influencers on Twitter and 20 global entrepreneurs to watch. She has published four books as an international web scientist and is a Visiting Professor at LSBU. She is an expert lead for the British Standards Institute (BSI) team with international colleagues on the top level ISO and JTC 1 technical Committees and the TA of 1 BSi and 2 ISO smart city standards.

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What are the blockchain applications in Construction and Real Estate?

Alpesh Doshi

Alpesh is an innovative and dynamic thought leader and Entrepreneur in how organisations can transform and future-proof their business using emerging technologies, particularly around Blockchain digital, big data & analytics. He is focused on innovative thinking and practical strategies, to add value for his clients fast and often, introducing the agile approach of working to digital transformation. Alpesh became involved in Blockchain over 3 years ago after learning about Ethereum. He blends business strategy and implementation of decentralized models with the technology background on how to leverage their capabilities. He runs Fintricity, a consulting, research and ventures company.

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Trust and data as the new market - can smart contracts enable smart cities?

Will Squires

Will is a Senior Consultant at Atkins, heading up the Building Design division’s digital team.  An unusual combination of data scientist, engineer, planner and strategist, Will works internally and externally with Atkins' key clients to help future-proof and innovate within the construction industry.

An expert on smart cities, data, digital engineering and the impact of emerging technology on construction and the built environment, Will’s research focuses around real-time city data, the challenges of long-term urban development and understanding spatial and temporal effects of design.

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Understanding Smart Cities from the bottom up

Dr. Jens Kandt

Jens is a lecturer at the Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), University College London, where he teaches on the MSc course ‘Smart Cities and Urban Analytics’. In his research, he employs diverse data science techniques to understand the urban dynamics of social practices, mobility and health.

Trained as a planner, Jens obtained his PhD in Urban Geography from UCL and held previous research appointments at the UCL Department of Geography and LSE Cities, London School of Economics.

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