Prof. David Greenwood

Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering

Northumbria University

David graduated from Cambridge University and his postgraduate qualifications include an MSc in Construction Management (Herriot-Watt University), and a PhD from the Department of Construction Engineering & Management (Reading University).

He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building and was a board member of Constructing Excellence North East from 2003 to 2007. Before entering academia he worked for some 10 years as Site Engineer and Senior Estimator in the Construction Industry. He has authored over 150 publications, has held research funding from the EPSRC, AHRC, UK and international government agencies, and has carried out training and consultancy work for industrial and professional organisations in the UK, continental Europe, the Far East, and Middle East. He is on the review and/or editorial panels of 14 academic journals, a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College, and a former Chairman of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM). He is a director of BIM Academy (Enterprises) Ltd a university spin-out company specialising in Building Information Modelling.

David has taught on many aspects of Construction Management to all Built Environment disciplines and at levels from HNC to higher degree. He currently supervises 7 research degree students, has supervised 20 to completion and has examined over 40 PhDs in the UK, France, India and Australia. He has been external examiner on taught courses at Sheffield Hallam (2001 - 2006), Kingston (2002 - 2006), and Reading (2009 - 2012) Universities.

His leisure pursuits include literature, languages, music (baroque to blues) travel (emphasis on history, archaeology, cultures and people) and sport (formerly rugby, cricket and squash, but now restricted to cycling, sailing and a little golf). He is a member of the Literary and Philosophical Association of Newcastle upon Tyne.